20 Simple Truths About Nutrition

Dan Go
3 min readJun 26, 2019

I just came back from an event where one of the women sought me out to tell me about her new detox diet.

Seriously … why does this this always happens to me 🤦

When I’m around others and they’re eating a cake or something of the sort they say,”Oooohhh I can’t eat this around you.”

When in reality, I could give less of a you-know-what.

Eat what you want. Just don’t try to convince me of your dogma or rationalize to me when I don’t ask for it.

Back to this lady…

She’s telling me how she dropped 10 lbs from drinking shakes non stop for 4 days and how it’s changed her life.

….And I had to dig deep and use every inch of restraint to NOT tell her that she’d just put it all back on and drive herself further down the hole.

So I smiled, nodded, ate my pretzel and went about my way.

Here’s what I really know…

All of that stuff (juices, shakes, detoxes, fads) is nice to have but are not necessary and they sets you further back than you think.

Nutrition is fairly simple and the more someone tries to make it complex the more you know they are trying to sell you something.



Dan Go

Founder of Optimize Alpha - Body Transformation Expert for High Achieving Entrepreneurs